Roll Back Malaria Partnership evolves to support malaria in new development context

On May 14-15th, the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Board meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss recommendations for a refocused partnership architecture that would support continued progress in defeating malaria. Strengthened global support for malaria efforts will be critical as the Millennium Development Goals transition to the new Sustainable Development Goals. Changes to RBM’s structure aim to facilitate greater responsiveness to the global development agenda and seek to strengthen links with sectors beyond health to reduce malaria burden.

In light of the investments that will be required to accelerate progress in malaria control and elimination, the transition to a new RBM structure will focus on resource mobilization, advocacy, and support to malaria-affected countries. Proposed changes include a streamlined Executive Board, an improved RBM Secretariat, a high-level Trustee’s Council, and Partner Committees that focus on leading core RBM Partnership functions. Regional consultations will take place in the coming months to define mechanisms for regional support.

The Board also endorsed the Action and Investment to Defeat Malaria (AIM) 2016–2030 as a compliment to the WHO Global Technical Strategy for Malaria (GTS) which was passed by Member States at the World Health Assembly on May 20th. Under the guidance of AIM and GTS, the RBM Board is committed to sustaining the gains and accelerating progress in malaria through 2030.