Baltazar Neves Candrinho
Baltazar Neves Candrinho is the current Director of National Malaria Control Program in Mozambique, a member of Malaria Elimination Initiative Board, co-leader of the Surveillance Practice and Data Quality Committee (SP&DQ), Chair of the Initiative of malaria elimination in Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland (MOSASWA), and Member of Technical Working Group with the Elimination 8 Initiative.
Baltazar Candrinho, has an MD from Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique and is a doctorand of International Medicine at the University of Barcelona. As Program Manager of the National Malaria Control Program in Mozambique for 7 years, he has coordinated all vector control activities, communication for social behavior change, case management in the health unit and community, entomological monitoring and surveillance, and monitoring and evaluation. He coordinated the development of the integrated vector control strategy and national campaign of long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution in 158 districts. He developed the Malaria Strategic Plan, Grant for Global Fund, PMI Malaria Operational Plan and proposal for others donors such BMGF and Unitaid.
He has been the principal investigator of many research studies such as: Estimating the Malaria Prevention Impact of New Nets: Observational Analyses to Evaluate the Evidence Generated During Piloted New Nets Distribution In Mozambique; Antenatal care as a platform for malaria surveillance: Utilizing community prevalence measures from the New Nets Project to validate ANC surveillance of malaria in Mozambique; and A pilot study to assess the feasibility, acceptability and protective efficacy of implementing seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Nampula province and Health Facility Survey.