MEI Malaria Elimination Toolkit
The MEI’s Malaria Elimination Toolkit provides evidence-based, user-friendly tools and approaches to strengthen national malaria programs and empower district-level leadership to understand and overcome malaria control and elimination challenges.

Situation Assessment
What are the drivers of transmission? What is the readiness of the health system for elimination and what are the gaps?

Tailored response
What actions should the program take based on identified and characterized gaps?

Program management and sustainability
How does the program effectively manage and fund malaria elimination?
Our toolkit has been used successfully in at least 25 malaria endemic countries, leading to changes in malaria strategy, planning, and policy. Following initial technical assistance and capacity strengthening from the MEI, tools have been adopted and deployed directly by malaria programs and their partners, and some tools have been adapted and/or applied to other disease areas, including HIV and neglected tropical diseases.
Technical Assistance
Direct technical assistance is available to our in-country partners to improve targeting and tailoring of malaria intervention delivery.