Our Impact
Since 2007, the MEI has been at the forefront of innovation, research, and strategy development for malaria elimination. Formed at a time when malaria elimination was not a widespread goal, the MEI helped drive a paradigm-shift within the malaria community that resulted in well-established consensus that elimination was feasible and should be supported at country and regional levels.
- The MEI At a Glance: An Overview of Our Work and Impact [brochure]
- Imagine a World Free from Malaria [MEI video]
Over the years, the MEI has developed evidence-based tools and approaches for heterogeneous transmission settings; generated novel evidence through operational research to inform national strategies and global policies for elimination; anticipated the important role of regional collaborative platforms in pushing the elimination agenda; and strongly advocated for long term, sustainable funding and political support for malaria elimination. The MEI expanded its vision from national and regional elimination to global eradication with the 2017 convening of The Lancet Commission on malaria eradication, which determined that achieving a malaria free world within a generation is ambitious, achievable, and necessary.