African Union leaders endorse new malaria elimination roadmap to eliminate by 2030
Last week, during the 27th African Union Summit in Rwanda, African leaders endorsed a new roadmap to eliminate malaria by 2030. The adoption of the Catalytic Framework to end AIDS, TB and Eliminate Malaria in Africa by 2030 was commended by the members and Executive Secretary of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), a coalition of 49 African Heads of State and government that was founded in 2009 to bring about action and accountability in working to eliminate malaria. The new Roadmap emphasizes the role of country ownership, financial and political commitment, access to health services by vulnerable populations, and robust surveillance and response to end the three diseases. The Roadmap also outlines milestones and targets toward the goal of a malaria-free Africa by 2030, including reducing the malaria incidence and mortality rate by at least 40% by 2020 and 75% by 2025.